Wednesday, February 23, 2011

GEN-O-CIDE - countries still at risk today

     In these countries a lot of Genocide is happening. What we read in class that happened long ago, it was horrible things about how the japanese killed millions of people and doing it in a way that will make them suffer. But is it happening today? A lot of people think it's not just because it's not happening in the United States, but they are wrong. It's happening in many other countries still till this day. Do you think we, as in the United States should intervene? Yes, i think we should. We have the power to do something and maybe we could help to where it doesn't occur in those countries any longer. But i also say no, because the simple fact that it will cause problems with a lot of countries and make them well hold a grudge against us and to tell you the truth we don't really like the drama. Yeah, i don't have a straight forward answer because it's to hard to choose because either way theres a consequence. If we don't, many people suffer and many of them die which i feel bad about and think we should stop it. But, if we do, maybe the other countries will come at us and start a "war." Although we can take care of ourselves, but the question is how long till we can't anymore? But, now that i think about it, i lean more to the yes we should intervene because many people out there are suffering and i think we should be willing to take the chance and stop it since we are so "big and powerful" because nobody can hurt us. Right?

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