Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Stop censoring our History books!!

Dear Dr.Rhinehart,
        I don't think we should be censoring anything out of our history books. I think we should have the full knowledge of what goes on, and what went on before. I don't think it is fair to not teach us everything and every detail. We read about the Rape of Nanking in our class today, which was not in the text books. Yeah, what i read was really shocking and really straight forward, but i think we can handle it. We are old enough to not get anything censored out of our history books. I read about how the Japanese killed millions and killed them in ways you wont imagine. Honestly, it was disturbing but i thought i should know these things that happened because they ARE part of history still no matter how bad they are. This is what really happened, why keep us from that? This is what we call Genocide and it perfectly explains the meaning. Also, in Sudan genocide took place. They killed many civilians and made them suffer. They also used starvation as a weapon. Many more places like this were attacked by genocide. If Genocide is one of our vocabulary words, and your not going to tell us the details behind the word and what really took place, how do you expect us to learn and understand that word. Therefore, with all due respect i think us students earned the right to not have our history books censored because if you do that, we really aren't learning about all of our history at all are we?
                                                                                                      Sincerely, Marissa Balance

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