Monday, February 7, 2011

Trial case of Sacco & Vanzetti


                 Marissa Balance here on the case of Nicola (nee Ferdinando) Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, 1921 trying to get the cold hard facts. Both born in Italy, and both migrate to United States. Bombings start to appear and people start to think Sacco and Vanzetti are a part of this because with the previous people who blew themselves up were with Sacco and Vanzetti days before. Also, I think it's quite suspicious how they were caught armed and at Bridgewater. Why would they have to lie about this? Well, they were one of the many people who didn't enjoy the United States going to war so that gives them something to lie about.
              Evidence says seven eye witnesses are saying that they saw Sacco and Vanzetti in the bandit car. Also, one person said they clearly saw Sacco shooting out of the bandit car. Right about now from all of the witnesses it doesn't look too well for their case. But, theres a twist, none of the witnesses were certain of their identifications. So it's really 50/50. Another evidence that they are guilty is the third gun shot was fired from Sacco's gun but, tests say other wise. A lot more evidence was presented but i'm not going to get into that because i seemed to almost have made up my mind about the trial after reading it.

            Due to the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti people that have to do with it died, or people mistaken to take place in the trial. They died because bombing of their house. People were pretty upset with this trial, and clearly shown it with the grudge holding against the people prosecuting them. This kind of proves a point. If the two had nothing to do with all these violent acts, why are people out their (that probably have to do with the bombing) killing the ones contributing in the trial. 

          While they were asked questions, these men still pleaded innocent although all of the evidence is provided. Do i know they are guilty? Nobody knows. But, from what i’ve heard and seen all fingers point to Sacco and Vanzetti. Yeah, some things don’t add up, but some do. Like the places they go, and the people they talk to. If you ask me, i think they know how to hide things pretty well. But, not so well according to them being on this trial anyways. I’ve read more than enough to know if they are guilty or innocent. 
       Surely they are in this court house for a reason, and they know they are. If they are innocent it’s rarely hard to believe but i’ve come to my decision. I state Sacco and Vanzetti guilty as charged. My reason you ask? Hard cold facts, Sacco and Vanzetti had no alaby to present to this court. If they weren’t and i’m wrong then that’s thier fault for being at the wrong places at the wrong time. But, i highly doubt i’m wrong on this one. Yeah, the court isn’t too fair because they don’t know for SURE that they are guilty. When you look at it, it does seem to be right though. Sacco and Vanzetti from my point of view and from all of the evidence provided are caught red handed. 


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