Monday, February 7, 2011

Scopes Trial.

      Scopes Trial is basically evolution vs. religion. It was illegal to teach evolution during that period of time and you could only teach what was from the Bible. This i do not agree with this. You should be able to teach both from my perspective. But i lean more to evolution because many people in school today have different religions, and some may get offended if your teaching a certain religion that they are not comfortable with. Yeah, evolution basically states religion is fake but to tell you the truth we wont figure out things and help people with religion. Evolution has to do with science and i think we can get places with science, for instance we can find cures that will save peoples life or even help the ones that are sick or injured. So, the more i think about it, the more i'm on evolutions side because well religion can't do as much. Also, if religion was taught now-a-days it'll be really difficult because all of the different types of religion developed over time, and it's not like we can teach everyones religion, we can only teach one. So therefore, i go with evolution because it's less complicated than religion. 

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